forschungsinstitut bioaktive polymersysteme e.v.
bioinnovationen aus teltow-seehof
vorträge unserer nachwuchswissenschaftler
- EU BIS, Chemicals from Food Waste
Semmering, Austria
10-11 March 2015
Denan Hozic
Fermentation of Butanol from Glucose and Xylose from Straw
- CLIB-Forum Bioraffinerien
IHK Potsdam
25. September 2014
Gerhardt, M.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen cellulosebasierter Marktprodukte-
Furane und Lävulinsäure
- Biorefinica 2014
Forschungsstandort Teltow-Seehof
21. Mai 2014
Gerhardt, M.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen cellulosebasierter Marktprodukte-
Furane und Lävulinsäure
- BioBet – Enhancing Competences and Knowledge Towards an Innovative Bio-based
IHK Potsdam
23. Mai 2012
Fleischer, R.
Life without oil: How does a Biorefinery work?
- 2nd Meeting, Network LEO. Food with energy in the Baltic Sea region
Ecological food
24. April 2012
Fleischer, R.
Green Biorefinery – Demonstration plant Havelland/Germany, Production
of Proteins, Fermentation products and Feeds
- Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
16.-17. Februar 2012
Kamm, B.; Gerhardt, M.
Competitiveness of Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) for Refining and Co-Firign
of Biomass: Feedstock availability, Costs, and International Market potential
- Ost-West-Wissenschaftszentrum Universität Kassel
German-Russian Forum Biotechnology
Section 5: Biorefineries (biorefinica 2011)
10. Oktober 2011
Leiß, S.
Biorefining of lignocellulosic feedstock by AFEX pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis for production of fermentable sugar
- Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference
VDMA, TVI-Verband
Aachen, Germany
26.-27.November 2009
Leiß, S.; Kamm, B.
Biorefineries and sequence products from lactic acid
- International Forum; Russia and Germany in the common European area; German-Russian Co-operation network on biotechnology;
BMBF, FP7, NCP-Bio, Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Fed., ZAB
Moscow, Russia
11.-13. November 2009
Leiß, S.; Kamm, B.
Biorefineries and New Technology for Production of Poly(lactic acid)
- Summer school: Next Generation Biofuels
University of Bologna, ICS-UNIDO, CHRISGAS
Bologna, Italy
14.-18. September 2009
Leiß, S.; Kamm, B.
Biorefineries and sequence products from lactic acid
Leiß, S.
Production of lactic acid and aminium lactates by green juice
- 2ND EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, Chemistry: The Global Science
RSC, GDCh, sfc
Session Biorefineries and Biotechnologies
Torino, Italy
16.-20. September
Leiß, S.; Kamm, B.
Biorefineries and New Technology for Production of Poly(lactic acid)
- 8. Biomasse-Tagung Rheinland-Pfalz, 2008
FH Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, IfaS
Trier, Germany
6. November 2008
Leiß, S.; Kamm, B.
Grüne Chemie – Biobasierte Produkte